Sydney Nerf Rules and Gametypes
The top priority of Sydney Nerf Wars is to run safe, enjoyable events for all those who are involved. This requires a set of rules and regulations which, while stringent and often quite strict, are necessary for this goal to be achieved. Below is a standardised set of rules for the wars that will be hosted by this group. Read them, and remember them. They’re here so that wars can be as safe and fun as possible.
General Gameplay Rules
- If you are struck by a dart on any part of your body, you have been Tagged. You are to raise your hand and proceed back to respawn.
- To be considered a Tag, a dart must not hit a solid surface and rebound before it hits the intended target. Solid surfaces include Nerf Blaster Shields, Trees, and other players. However, if a dart passes through (path is mostly unaffected) leaves or a bush of some sort, it will still be considered a Tag.
- A Tag to your blaster, or any gear you are holding/wearing is registered as a Tag to you.
- If you score a Tag on another player, and they continue to play, call your Tag on them
- Honesty is the best policy. If you know you’ve taken a Tag, own up and walk back to respawn. This also applies when calling Tags on other players.
- Arguments over Tags will not be tolerated. Both players will be sent to respawn in the case of any argument.
- If you suspect there is dishonest behaviour among the attendees, inform a member of the Admin Team. They will handle the issue thereafter.
- Without suitable eye protection, you cannot participate in any events. Prescription glasses and sun glasses are not applicable as suitable protection. If you are unsure about your eye protection, talk to the Admin Team pre-event. Eye protection must be worn at all times when blasters are allowed to be fired. Multiple instances of removal of eye protection during games can result in ejection from the event.
- Please use common sense when considering engagement distances. The official engagement distance is set at 10m for blasters that fire over 30m flat to ground (roughly blasters with >180fps). This is for the safety of those at our events. Please refrain from aiming at the head or neck at the minimum engagement distances.
Range | Minimum Engagement Distance |
<30m | 0m |
>30m | 10m |
Blaster and Gear Specific Rules
- Blasters with matte black, or any other realistic looking paint jobs (e.g. military camouflage patterns) are not welcome at Sydney Nerf Wars events. You will be asked to store the blaster away from public eyes. If you refuse, you will be ejected from the event. As a general rule, blasters should be painted in bright colours with dark/realistic colours to comprise no more than 50% of the overall paint scheme.
- All blasters are to have an orange muzzle/tip.
- Aftermarket kits that modifies the appearance of nerf blasters to resemble real firearms are permissible under very strict conditions. A blaster utilising such a kit must be comprised of an absolute minimum of 90% of a bright colour, this including any attachments that have been attached to the blaster. The blaster as a whole must be easily recognised as a toy and must not possess any threatening qualities. Please engage with Sydney Nerf Admin staff before bringing any blasters to Sydney Nerf events with these kits to avoid disappointment. All decisions regarding bans are final.
- Matte black, camouflaged or realistically painted magazines are not allowed. Clear, bright coloured or translucent coloured magazines are permitted.
- The maximum muzzle velocity for all blasters is 350fps.
- Homemade blasters are banned; but homemade internals are permissible at the discretion of the Admin Team. Please be prepared for them to inspected. If you are unable to dismantle your blaster on site, then it will be deemed unsuitable for play until further notice.
- Air blasters with plugged Over Pressure Valves are banned. Bike pump replacements are permissible if there is an operational OPV to limit the pressure that the pump can create in the tank.
- The Nerf Titan is unconditionally banned from firing darts. It can however be used to fire rockets. These rockets have no additional effects in games that they’re used in - just a regular Tag.
- Blasters that have larger tanks/are capable of higher PSI than an unmodified Generation 1 4B are banned.
- Drain blasters are unconditionally banned from Sydney Nerf.
- Stefans that have sharp edges, utilise metallic weights, or have hotglue domes are banned. Similarly, hard vinyl tipped 'nipple' darts are also banned. Soft rubber tipped 'nipple' darts are permissible.
- The accepted “Grenades” in Sydney Nerf Wars events are Nerf Pocket Howlers and off-brand alternatives. These Grenades have no additional effects in games that they’re used in - just a regular Tag.
- Melee weapons must be made of a material that renders a soft impact. A light tap on the shoulder with the palm of your hand will also suffice as a melee Tag.
- Melee attacks must not be too aggressive, and should not target sensitive areas such as the head or neck.
- Melee weapons can deflect all manner of Tags without penalty.
- Attaching any Stock Nerf Blast Shield onto a Tactical Rail that was originally a part of the shell will negate Tags on your blaster. The Blast Shield cannot be modified in any way aside painting for aesthetic purposes.
- Tactical gear such as vests and gloves are permitted, but please use common sense in what you wear to each event. For example, you are permitted to wear a vest so long as you are not wearing BDU’s underneath. We suggest wearing a bright T-shirt underneath the vest.
- Paintball masks, face masks, and head scarves are not permitted due to the image that they convey to the general public.
- Please exercise common sense with what you bring to an event. Safety is the top priority for all events. If something is deemed to be unsafe by the Admin Team, the Admin Team reserves the right to ban the blaster or other piece of gear on the spot.
Miscellaneous Rules
- The Admin Team will use whistles to help run events.
- One Whistle will signify the beginning of the round.
- Two Whistles will signify Sudden Death.
- Three whistles will signify the end of the game.
- One long, sustained whistle will signify an emergency, such as an injury to a player or a bystander wandering onto the field.
- When a member of the public enters the playing area, instantly yell STOP/HOLD. The game will pause until the bystander has left the field of play. When it is safe to resume play, an Admin will blow their whistle once.
- Dart sweeps are a necessary part of Nerf. It is compulsory for participants to help gather all darts whenever there is a dart sweep.
- If using your own darts at events instead of using the Dart Hire system, be aware that it is highly likely that not all of your darts will be returned to you at the end of the day. Losing darts is also a part of Nerf. This is the risk you take.
- When you have been eliminated from a round (you have taken a Tag during the elimination period etc.), you must not talk to the un-eliminated players. As they say in paintball: “Dead people don’t talk”.
- The youngest permissible age to play is 11 years (with parental consent). Minors under the age of 14 years must be supervised by a parent or guardian. Sydney Nerf takes no responsibility for the supervision of minors.
Performance Enhanced Wars (PEW) is a game type that allows players to test their higher powered modifications in a gameplay scenario. In PEW, we see a range of heavily modified blasters, all with one aim: To out-range, out-shoot, and out-do the creations of the opposition. It is here where the SNW community proves their worth as a skilled artist with their modifications, as well as a worthy soldier in the field.
PEW is an intense experience, placing more reliance on a player’s personal skill and cunning, as well as the ultimate capabilities of their blaster. Players are generally more careful due to the potential range and accuracy of the blasters around them. As a result, rounds are more drawn out with players spending increased amounts of time in cover. It is in these circumstances when a player’s awareness of their surroundings and their ability to act under pressure are put to the test.
The aim of PEW is simple: Shoot the enemy. Most often, we will focus on game types such as Team Deathmatch. PEW is governed by the Sydney Nerf Wars General Rules Set and the rules of the gametypes that are being played.
Blaster Rules
- Adherence to the SNW General Rules Set.
- Melee is allowed and can be used to deflect Tags.
- Melee weapons must not exceed 150cm in length.
- Small melee (less than 50cm in length) can be thrown to count as a Tag.
- Shields cannot be used in PEW unless otherwise specified.
- Each team starts at a particular point on the map called their Base or Respawn Point. The Base is usually indicated by a Base marker.
- If a player is Tagged, they must return to their own Base and respawn there by touching the Base marker. Once they have touched the Base marker, they are back in the game.
- Bases have a three metre(3m) radius zone of invulnerability around them. This means players cannot be considered Tagged after they have respawned while they are standing in this area. However, this invulnerability will be turned off in certain situations such as Sudden Death in Team Death Match.
Game Types
There are a number of gametypes played under PEW. They are split between Core Games and Flavour Games.
Core Games
Flavour Games
Team Deathmatch (TDM) is a very special part of SNW’s history. It was the first game type we played as a community, and it’s one that’s still very much an integral part of our events today. The simplicity of the game type is what makes it so easy to pick up as a beginner and so enjoyable to play regardless of how experienced a player is with Nerf. Due to this, it is used to great effect as a way of warming up attendees for the upcoming games over the rest of the day.
The aim of TDM is as simple as it gets: eliminate the opposing team before they can eliminate your team. Games of TDM tend to be longer, which can lead to intense long ranged fire fights and high pressure situations as the game progresses. It is advised to carry a decent complement of darts for each game.
TDM is split up into two sections: Respawn Time and Sudden Death. There are some subtle differences between these two sections as outlined below:
- Respawn Time: This section usually lasts two to five minutes and is used by teams to get a feel for the game and get into the zone. When you are Tagged, you must return to your designated Base to Respawn.
- Sudden Death: After Respawn Time is over, two whistles will sound. This signifies the beginning of Sudden Death, where there are no longer respawns and Bases no longer provide invulnerability. Once you are Tagged, you are eliminated from the game and must leave the field of play. The last team standing wins.
If you have been hit before the beginning of sudden death you may respawn as long as your team has at least one other member alive.
Every effort must be made to return to your respawn point as soon as possible and as directly as possible. Lingering around active players will no longer be tolerated and may lead to the player being eliminated from the game by a SNW Administrator.
- Q: If I’m hit before the whistle sounds for Sudden Death, but haven’t respawned yet, am I still in the game?
- A: Yes, you’re still very much in the game. Respawn as quickly as possible so you can help your team mates out in the field. You will only be eliminated if you were tagged AFTER the whistle blows. Be warned though, if you don’t respawn before the rest of your team was eliminated, your team will lose and you’ll miss your chance to participate!
- Q: What if I see someone who was tagged in Sudden Death, but has respawned anyway?
- A: Tell them that they were Tagged before. If they ignore you, alert the War Organiser or a SNW admin present on the day. The issue will be dealt with fairly.
Capture the Flag (CTF) is a fast, high pressure game with a heavy focus on team strategy and opportunism. Each team holds a flag which they must protect, while at the same time seeking to secure the opposing team’s flag. This game type is typified by players covering large distances to support a push for the enemy flag, or to defend an incoming attack on their own. The length of games are variable, being very much dependent on the aggressiveness of both teams.
- To win, a team must be in possession of both flags in their flag holder. Once this occurs, the game is over.
- When you are Tagged, you must drop the flag on the spot. You cannot carry the flag after you have been Tagged and before you have Respawned.
- You cannot throw the flag, but you can hand it to other players.
- Players are able to recover their own flag and run it back to their own flag holder.
- If a player is recovering their own flag, they must run it directly back to the flag holder and deposit it into the flag holder as soon as possible.
- A player cannot take their own team’s flag out of the flag holder.
- Once a player has picked up the flag, it is considered as a part of their gear. This means that Tags to the flag count as Tags to the player.
- The flag cannot be used as a melee weapon.
- You cannot carry a flag into your Base. It must be dropped outside of the 3m radius. If a referee or game moderator deems the action of carrying a flag to a Base as gamesmanship, there will be penalties for the offending team.
This section is aimed at answering some of the most common questions about CTF:
- Q: What happens if a player drops the flag and I Tag the flag before it hits the ground? Are they Tagged?
- A: No, once the flag is dropped, it is no longer in their possession. However, if they are purposely dropping the flag to deflect darts from hitting them, it will constitute “throwing” the flag, which is not allowed. Inform a War Organiser or SNW Admin and the issue will be dealt with.
- Q: If I Tag the flag holder while someone’s trying to take the flag, does it count to a Tag to them?
- A: No, the flag holder isn’t part of the flag or the player. You would only score a tag if you hit them while they’re in possession of the flag.
- Q: What if I see someone who was Tagged in when holding the flag, but doesn’t drop it and keeps running?
- A: Call out to them and stand on the spot on which they were tagged. If they ignore your calls, alert the War Organiser or a SNW Admin present on the day. The issue will be dealt with fairly.
King of the Hill (KOTH) is a game of strategy, positioning, and composure. Much like CTF, there are strong elements of teamwork involved in seizing the Hill, and holding it until the timer runs down. This game type is a classic battle of attrition, where both teams attempt to wrestle control of the Hill from each other with force!
The aim of KOTH is to hold the Hill for a set aggregate time before the opposition can do so. In a typical game of KOTH, players will find themselves under constant fire as they approach the Hill. This gives rise to a gametype with a heavy emphasis on composure under pressure.
The rules for KOTH are listed below:
- To win, a team must hold the Hill for a set amount of time. This amount of time will be determined by the War Organiser on the day. The usual time is 3 minutes.
- The time on the Hill recorded for each team is the total of all the time that team has spent on the Hill. Therefore, to win, a team does not have to hold the Hill for “x” minutes consecutively, but rather a total of “x” minutes throughout the game.
- To be considered holding the Hill, a team must have at least one active (non-tagged) player making contact with the Capture Point (usually a bucket). Players who have been tagged on the Hill are not considered holding the Hill.
This section is aimed at answering some of the most common questions about KOTH:
- Q: When does the timer start for when a team is taking the Hill? When does it stop?
- A: The timer will start when the first player from the team has touched the hill marker (usually an upside down bucket)
- Q: What if I see someone who was tagged in when on the Hill, but doesn’t return to respawn or keeps firing on me?
- A: Call out to them and inform them that they were tagged. If they ignore your calls, alert the War Organiser or a SNW Admin present on the day. The issue will be dealt with fairly.
Flagbearer is played similarly to an Assassination gametype, but with an added objective. Similarly to Capture the Flag, each team has a flag to deposit into the opposition’s flag holder, however this flag is carried by a nominated flag bearer who is the only one able to transport the flag.
Flagbearer plays similarly to CTF with half the effort.
- Both teams choose a Flagbearer to carry their flag.
- To win, the Flagbearer must place his/her flag in the opposing team’s flag holder first.
- If the flag bearer is Tagged, they may respawn as normal.
- Tags to the flag are considered Tags to the Flagbearer (i.e. The flag is now considered a part of the Flagbearer’s gear).
- The flag cannot be used as a melee weapon under any circumstances.
- The Flag must be on display so that the other team can easily determine who the Flagbearer is. This means that the Flag must be unfurled at all times.
This section is aimed at answering some of the most common questions about Flagbearer:
- Q: Can the Flagbearer be changed?
- A: The Flagbearer cannot be changed during rounds. A new flag bear may be nominated between rounds.
- Q: What if the Flagbearer drops or loses the flag?
- A: Only the Flagbearer is able to handle the flag. The flag needs to be found and picked up by the Flagbearer. Opposition may use this opportunity to hold the dropped flag’s position inhibiting your team from achieving a win objective.
Spark Wars
Spark Wars is a variant of Capture the Flag that sees two players on each team elevated to “Titan” status – meaning they receive the ability to use the Spark. The Spark gives the Titan a bigger, more lasting impact on the game, making them the perfect weapon for breaking down lines and seizing objectives.
Spark Wars is about rallying a push behind your Titans. It is a game of action packed aggression and clashes in the middle of the field. Team dynamic is crucial for victory.
The aim of the game is to cover your Titans as they swoop in to steal the enemy team’s flag and protect them as they run it back to your flag stand.
- Each team elects two players who will act as Titans for the round. These players must be declared before the game begins, especially if they have been changed from previous rounds.
- Titans must wear a white sweatband around their wrist or hand OVER any of their gear. This represents their Spark.
- After a Titan has been tagged, they can crouch on the spot and wait for a good opportunity to activate their Spark. To activate their Spark, the Titan must yell out Spark and remove the band from their wrist. This brings them back into the game as if they had just Respawned.
- Players can disable a Titan’s Spark through melee tags. If a Titan is crouched and waiting to use their Spark, players can still melee tag them to disable their Spark as if they were in play.
- Sparks can only be used once before they need to be recharged at Base. After being Recharged, they can be used again.
- To win, a Team must assist either of their Titans in capturing the flag.
- Only Titans are able to handle the flag in normal game time – this includes returning the flag to their flag stand.
- If both team’s Titans have failed to complete the objective after three minutes of play, the game moves to Overtime, where the Flag becomes open for any player to capture. If after another three minutes where no one has captured the flag, Sudden Death will come into play. During Sudden Death, players will not be able to Respawn and are considered eliminated if tagged. Titans can still activate their Spark but they will not be able to Recharge it since the Base is no longer active.
This section is aimed at answering some of the most common questions about Spark Wars:
- Q: Can Titans use an alternative to a sweatband such as a glove or a hat?
- A: No. To make this game as easy to follow as possible for other players and referees, we must keep equipment standard. As such, a sweatband around the wrist or hand is the only thing we recognise as a Spark.
- Q: Can Titans reload while they’re down, waiting to use their Spark?
- A: In the past they could, but not anymore. While they are crouched, they are technically tagged and should not be interacting with the game in anyway. This includes reloading. They can, however, switch blasters to another they were carrying and use that instead if they’ve expended their primary blaster.
Medic Deathmatch
Medic Death Match (MDM) focuses heavily on a team’s co-ordination and positioning while also placing key players under pressure. MDM encourages players to assess the situations put before them and make split second decisions as to what the best course of action should be.
The aim of the game is to eliminate the enemy team. However, the enemy Medics will do their best to sustain their teammates.
MDM is currently considered our objective based variant of Team Death Match.
- Each team elects players who will act as Medics for the round in a ratio of 5:1 (5 normal players to one Medic). These players must be declared before the game begins, especially if they have been changed from previous rounds.
- Medics must wear a high visibility vest over their gear at all times.
- Medics are able to Revive tagged players by placing a hand on the tagged player and counting to THREE slowly (i.e. one one thousand, two one thousand etc.). This can be done during both Respawn time and Sudden Death, with the bigger impact being during Sudden Death.
- Similarly to TDM, normal players are subject to a two minute period of Respawn time if they are tagged.
- After the two minute period of Respawning, Sudden Death begins and tagged normal players can only be brought back into the game by being Revived by one of their Medics – they cannot Respawn.
- If a Medic is tagged at any time (including during Sudden Death), they are able to Respawn as a normal player (they must remove their high visibility vest before reentering the game). From then on, they follow the rules of a normal player.
- When a normal player is tagged during Sudden Death, they must take a knee and wait for a Medic to come Revive them. They are able to call for help, but should not give away enemy positions. If their team no longer has any Medics remaining, tagged players must vacate the field with blasters above their heads.
- To win, a team must eliminate all players in the opposing team.
This section is aimed at answering some of the most common questions about Medic Death Match:
- Q: Can Medics use tagged teammates as cover when Reviving them?
- A: Yes. This is considered a valid strategy since Reviving a player under fire is generally a very risky prospect.
- Q: Can a Medic hide for the entire round?
- A: Yes, but they’d be quite bored and won’t be able to fulfill one of their critical roles – reviving tagged teammates during Sudden Death.
- Q: Can a Medic who has been tagged in Sudden Death Respawn as as a normal player?
- A: Yes, they absolutely can. They will no longer be running with their high visibility vests though, so watch out for them.
Towering Inferno
Towering Inferno is an escort mission that takes elements from both King of the Hill and Flagbearer. The indomitable Warden is tasked with guiding the devastating Nuker to multiple objectives around the map and give them the cover they need to destroy them.
Towering Inferno will have a huge emphasis on mobility around the field and skirmishing for position so that the Wardens may be effectively flanked around their Shields. It encourages players to think more about how their actions and positioning will affect the outcome of the game.
General Rules
- Each team has two types of special players: The Nuker and the Warden.
- Teams are restricted to ONE Warden and Nukers in a ratio of at least ONE Nuker to every FIVE players, rounded down. If there are six players on a team, there will be one Warden and one Nuker. If there are 10 players on a team, there will be one Warden and two Nukers etc.
- To win the game, teams must guide their Nuker(s) to each objective so that they can destroy it before the enemy team’s Nuker(s). The team with more objectives destroyed by the end of the game wins.
- There are a total of three objectives, all signified by traffic cones placed in different locations around the play area.
- To destroy an objective, the Nuker must be making contact with the cone for 45 seconds concurrently while having a charged Nerf Titan Rocket or Megahowler.
- The first objective is selected at random and can be opened at any time by the Referees.
- Each objective opens after the previous one is destroyed, with generally a 30 second gap between them.
- After EIGHT minutes, if the game is not complete, Sudden Death begins.
The Nuker’s Kit
- Nerf Titan Launcher with THREE rockets or THREE Megahowlers
- One Blaster (as per the SNW General Rules Set)
- Nukers must wear a high visibility vest over their gear.
The Nuker’s Special Rules
- Titan Rockets/Megahowlers need to be recharged at Base after being fired/thrown, whether they score a Tag or not.
- If a player is Tagged by a Nerf Titan Rocket or a Megahowler, they must crouch on the spot on which they were tagged and cannot Respawn (see below in The Warden’s Special Rules).
The Warden’s Kit
- Large melee weapon (up to 1.5m long)
- The Shield
- Pistol (as per the Pistol/Melee Rules set)
The Warden’s Special Rules
- The Shield is indestructible – there are no in-game mechanics in which the Shield can be broken.
- The Warden treats being Tagged by Nerf Titan Rockets and Megahowlers like a normal Tag.
- If a Warden is tagged, players on the opposing team who have been tagged by a Nerf Titan Rocket or Megahowler are now able to Respawn at Base.
- Game Type: Quikflag
- Round Start/End
- Hits
- Elimination of Players
- Blaster jams / Malfunctions
- Penalties
- Restrictions(SYDNEY NERF)
- Safety
- Behaviour
- Referees/Officials
- Credits
- Disclaimer