Payment Payment Paypal Payment Page Name* First Last Email Additional People* Yes No Additional Names*Entry Fee (How many people?) Quantity* Price: $ 20.00 Quantity Is this your first event? Quantity Price: -$ 20.00 Quantity Add only the number of people whose first event it is. Please see admin for your pink newbie marker which allows you to gain an additional "life"/respawn after sudden death is called. Only FIRST events are free. Total $ 0.00 Medical* Do you have any medical requirements the Admin team should know about? - Type N/A if none. (Please note, any medicals is self managed and playing is at your own risk. This information is confidential and only used for emergencies)Rules Policy* I agree to the rules policy and understand I participate at mine and those registered in this form at my/their own riskI have read and agree to rules set out in and Privacy Policy* I agree to the privacy policy.Information collected is for the purpose of linking payment. Paypal handles all transactions so your payment information is not collected on the website but through PaypalCOVID-19* I acknowledge that knowingly attending an event while positive for Covid-19 will result in my being permanently banned from Sydney Nerf and all its subsequent events.Consent for Photography and Videos* I agree to consent to allow Sydney Nerf to use my image and those named on this formI give permission for images and video in which I, those names in form, and/or my child/ward, appear to be used by Sydney Nerf for publications and public relations activities. In particular, I note that this may include use in print and electronic media, including the Internet and official social media platforms. I understand that Sydney Nerf will not be accountable should overseas recipients of the images breach Australian privacy laws and that I will not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act. I have read and understand this notice, and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my image, including disclosure to overseas recipients, as outlined. Δ